I was reading this while listening to my crank wave playlist and that definitely gave the whole experience a certain essence of dark maw-staring. You're always good at giving voice to what is beyond words for most people so thank you for that.
To the extent that we're peers -and I wouldn't give myself that honorific- I have to say it is n…
I was reading this while listening to my crank wave playlist and that definitely gave the whole experience a certain essence of dark maw-staring. You're always good at giving voice to what is beyond words for most people so thank you for that.
To the extent that we're peers -and I wouldn't give myself that honorific- I have to say it is near-impossible to write anything these days. I've barely strung together 1000 words since my book came out. Even writing this is comment is fueled by procrastination toward finishing my syllabus. I start putting ideas to the page and I immediately start to self-censor. I either start worrying about my health insurance or -somehow this is worse- feel as though I've argued the opposite of whatever I'm writing somewhere else at some other time. I also start to feel hopeless as I think about my other writing and realizing the publication it appeared in is either long-gone or has put up an impenetrable paywall that even I, THE AUTHOR, cannot get around. It really feels like the death of culture around here.
David your work is great and I loved your book so much. We are absolutely peers. I wish the better for both of us. If I find a way to destroy the cop in my head (and I think because we travel in similar lefty urbanist circles our bullies have the same faces) I’ll pass the information along to everyone. Keep doing what you do.
I was reading this while listening to my crank wave playlist and that definitely gave the whole experience a certain essence of dark maw-staring. You're always good at giving voice to what is beyond words for most people so thank you for that.
To the extent that we're peers -and I wouldn't give myself that honorific- I have to say it is near-impossible to write anything these days. I've barely strung together 1000 words since my book came out. Even writing this is comment is fueled by procrastination toward finishing my syllabus. I start putting ideas to the page and I immediately start to self-censor. I either start worrying about my health insurance or -somehow this is worse- feel as though I've argued the opposite of whatever I'm writing somewhere else at some other time. I also start to feel hopeless as I think about my other writing and realizing the publication it appeared in is either long-gone or has put up an impenetrable paywall that even I, THE AUTHOR, cannot get around. It really feels like the death of culture around here.
David your work is great and I loved your book so much. We are absolutely peers. I wish the better for both of us. If I find a way to destroy the cop in my head (and I think because we travel in similar lefty urbanist circles our bullies have the same faces) I’ll pass the information along to everyone. Keep doing what you do.
The cop in my head looks like Zoomer Le Corbusier :(
For real tho that means a lot! And you keep doing you for as long as you can! You're one of the best voices of our generation!
Will do my best! Also zoomer le corbusier is such a powerful image