This piece went to places (italicized emphasis), and I enjoyed all of them. The final section was my favorite; its always rousing to witness a project being done because of "sheer, dumb, stubborn creative instinct". I feel it, too, and it is enlivening.

Saving this to read later (and possibly print) so I can access the generative, creative spirit of writing when I am unable to reach it myself.

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Oct 7Liked by kate wagner

This has to be my new favorite essay on the process of writing. This one healed a lot of creative frustrations I’ve been trying to work through. Thank you for sharing this! ❤️

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This was such a great time, had me thinking about another little blog I have somewhere which has similarly unpolished work and how I haven't really known what to do with but I knew it was _something_. Practicing in the streets as it were. So, thank you for this. Also the castle MyMaps is so cool!

When I initially saw Siegfried I thought this was something to do with Frank Ocean lol but this was much more fun!

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